Legal Translations
Our advice team would be pleased to help you find a competent translator for your legal texts. If you place value on precision and a professional job, look no further. Our worldwide network of employees, our long-term experience and the satisfaction of our customers speak for themselves. That's why you should contact us as soon as possible and not lose any valuable time. Find out for yourself that we offer the decisive basis for the successful translation of legal texts. We offer individual arrangements for translating your legal texts.
Official documents usually have to be certified. This is necessary so that the translation is legally effective and is recognised by the competent authority. The translator of the respective legal text is a sworn translator for the desired target language. Translated documents are furnished with a seal which bears the inscription "Publicly appointed and sworn translator". You can be sure that the translation of your documents is also legally effective and officially recognised.
If you are interested in working with us, please get in touch. To accelerate and simplify the whole process we need the following information:
- Original and target language
- Delivery date
- Length of the translation
- Specialist area
Our largest field of activity is legal translation. That is no surprise, since you should know what you are letting yourself in for before concluding a contract concerning all the details you agree to. It is therefore of paramount importance that no details are lost or misunderstood during tranlation work. Only professionals can deal with such tasks. Imagine you have a contract translated by a lay person who has knowledge of the target language from when they were at school. Obviously, their vocabulary is limited and their understanding of legal texts has not been trained. If professionals do this for you, you can avoid any passages left out or misunderstood which can have serious consequences which you must take into account. So save money and, above all, a lot of stress.
Translators who work for us have trained linguistic knowledge and at the same time practical experience in the legal system. Persons who do not possess this experience and are not specifically trained for dealing with this topic cannot produce a high-quality translation which incorporates the full implications of a text. A translator must fully understand what the original text is saying in order to translate it correctly into the target language.
It only remains to add that we correctly translate legal texts but do not produce legally binding documents. If you are interested in such texts, we can help you find a competent lawyer in the country for which you are preparing the documents.
The documents which we process are treated in confidence. Close collaboration with lawyers and insurance companies is also important to us. A precisely translated legal text may require local peculiarities to be clarified. The translation is then checked. We only commission specialists in the respective specific area. The longer a translator works within a specialist area the more familiar they become with the details.
We co-operate with specialists in the following areas: public law, private law, criminal law, labour law, building law, traffic law, contractual law, business law and other legal areas.
Whatever documents you need translating, you need look no further. We have the necessary expertise. Our translators are experts in their fields and would be pleased to help you. We look forward to hearing from you.